Excel & Power Pi analysis cycle at 800 rials instead of 1,500 rials
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Organizational and legal skills course in human resources at 700 rials instead of 1,200 rials
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Executive secretariat cycle at 500 rials instead of 10000 rials
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The overall quality cycle is 800 rials instead of 1,500 rials.
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The marketing plan preparation cycle is 700 rials instead of 1,200 rials.
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The robot and artificial intelligence cycle is 1600 rials instead of 200 rials.
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CCNA cycle at 1900 rials instead of 2500 rials
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The moral hacker cycle is 700 rials instead of 1,200 rials.
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BN Library Management Diploma at 7,500 rials instead of 1200 rials
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Excel cycle to professional 700 rials instead of 1200 rials
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Data entry and text processing cycle (6 months) at 1200 rials instead of 200,000 rials
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Computer diploma (network technology) at 7,500 rials instead of 1200 rials
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