We are a shining friend. A trusted resource for savings. An icon that guarantees that you are going to get more value for your money. We bring people together with brands that care about adding value and rewarding their customers. We go further in search of greater savings, new offerings and unique ways of helping you keep as much money as possible in your wallet.

Our Vision
To help people across Saudi Arabia and beyond choose the brands that deliver added value. Allowing people to save more, while receiving more. Before you reach in your pocket to pay your bill, Golden Discount will help you decide where to spend that money and more importantly will guide you to keeping more of it in your pocket.
To help people add value to their purchasing experiences by giving them more ways to save. To help brands and companies come closer and engage a community of well defined people through discounts, added value and information that allows them to better understand the audiences that are interested in their products.
Our Mission
Our Values
By each one of our members to help them added value in their purchasing process.
Each of our members, their needs and their purchasing aspirations.
To each offer we present, each agreement we make and each saving we work to achieve.
Of the brand we are creating, the members who turn to us and the team that works with us.
To help people keep more money in their pockets, while adding value to each purchase experience. To help brands understand their audiences and create offerings that are based on that understanding.
Our Promise